Allotment Liaison Meetings

ALMs are an opportunity for Oxford Allotment Association Committee members to meet each other, the ODFAA committee, Oxford City Council Client Officers and occasionally the councillor with responsibility for Oxford Allotments.  ODFAA is possibly the oldest federation in the country. In 2019, its centenary year, all of the 35 working allotment sites in the city were members. The Federation’s overall aim is strong and sustainable Oxford allotments. Its practical job is to represent, inform, support and encourage all its associations and, through them, plotholders. 

We work together, share best practice and discuss and make decisions on issues affecting Oxford Allotments. This includes rent reviews, leases, grants and allotment management.  Up until 2019 this meeting has been chaired by ODFAA and our OCC Client officer alternately. We have often used the sessions to share knowledge on an issue and agree best practice.

ALMs usually take place on Tuesday evenings in – January, April & September