AGM and Annual Reports

The Annual General Meeting shall be on a day appointed by the Executive Committee, in March / April. 

The ODFAA Constitution sets out roles, reporting and notice. ODFAA’s financial year is January 1st-December 31st.

The business of the AGM shall include: 

  1. to approve the Minutes of the last AGM; 
  2. to receive a report from the Chair on the activities of the Federation and the Executive Committee since the previous AGM; 
  3. to approve the Accounts of the Federation and to receive a report from the Treasurer; 
  4. to appoint for the current Financial Year
    1. Auditors if required or;
    2. a person(s) to produce an independent report on the accounts for a General Meeting; 
  5. to consider any motion which has been submitted in writing by an Association to the Secretary at least 7 days before the AGM; 
  6. to elect Officers and Committee Members of the Executive Committee; 
  7. to set the Federation membership fee for the next Financial Year. 

Annual Reports, Accounts, AGM Minutes