ODFAA Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance 

The Zurich policy is renewed at the beginning of May. To be sure of continued cover you need to renew your O&DFAA membership in April. The renewal information has the dates of cover. There is a level of detail included about the Public Liability cover.    

In 2015 we reviewed the cover as Zurich had changed the way in which they cover volunteers and that Employer Liability was no longer deemed applicable. The key wording for this is in Section E which confirms this is comes under 2.6 Indemnity to Other Persons.  This confirms the volunteers are not only insured against any act of negligence on their part whilst working for the Association (Public Liability) but also  that the Association is covered against any claims made by the volunteer (which would previously have been under Employers Liability). Associations now have to complete a Zurich form and are responsible for ensuring that they read the policy. We suggest they ensure their members are aware this is cover for the association site and committee, not for individual members. 

If you are not an ODFAA member Oxford City Council has a  Public Liability insurance which covers OCC for all the land held in their name. This covers Oxford City Council against any claims but not associations.

History of ODFAA  liability insurance

O&DFAA public and then employer liability insurance was taken out on the advice of OCC and the Allotment Liaison meeting. After negotiations and agreement with ODFAA and the Allotment Liaison Meeting it was agreed a policy under the umbrella of ODFAA  would be the means of delivering the insurance alluded to in OCC leases. 

The policy is paid for by ODFAA and this payment is refunded by OCC in accordance with the term of association leases. We are advised that it offers additional protection for associations. It can be used by ODFAA member associations that are not on OCC land and do not have OCC sub leases. These sites must pay their part of the premium as they do not contribute to the allotment budget. It is another way associations can work together to support one another and protect our  association’s sites, trustees and committees from any public or employer’s liability claims.

The full policy document is here: Insight Policy for reference to Section E  Public Liability.  The shorter schedule is sent to associations each year as soon as we receive it from Zurich with the amendments. This insurance covers associations for legal liability to meet any claims arising for accidental injury to third parties, volunteers and/or damage to their property where you or your group are at fault. 

This cover will now run in line with our membership renewal date and be due in May. This is valid only for members of ODFAA.